View from the Sanctuary of Crea
The Sanctuary of Crea is located just few kilometers from Cascina rosa b&b. With the natural park on the Sacred Mount it is an important path for lovers of nature, art and religion.
The Sanctuary of Crea is situated up one of the highest hill of Monferrato (355 to 455 meters) and it is well visible also from the garden of Cascina rosa b&b on the Madonna dei Monti hill.
The Sanctuary of Crea was one of the first to be built with the original intent of reproduce the holy spots of Gerusalem. It is composed by chapels and hermitages linked by path in the wood and on the summit of the hill you can reach through a nice walk the Heaven’s Chapel.
The chapels are decorated with works made by famous artists like Bistolfi, G. Caccia also known as “il Moncalvo”, Fiamminghino and Tabacchetti brothers.
On the square you can find the Main Church with the holy Virgin statue, paintings, murals and interesting collection of “ex-voto”.

Sanctuary and Sacred Mount of Crea – few kilometers from Cascina rosa b&b
The Crea’s Natural Park ( 45 hectars ) has a consistent botanic relevance also for the presence of rare flower species and has the purpose of protect and preserve the natural, environmental, landscape and cultural features of the Sacred Mount of Crea, other than to be a equipped area for walks and tours.

Crea’s Sacred Mount and Natural Park – visible from the garden of Cascina rosa b&b
Natural park’s website: www.parcocrea.com